how numerology assigns numbers to letters

Numerology Simplified

and some interesting number patterns

Numerology assigns meaning to the letters in your name, similar to the way in which astrology assigns meaning to the position of stars and planets at the time of your birth. We use the full name at birth, divide the name into vowels and consonants, and convert each letter into a digit 1 through 9 as shown in the above chart. For example: Bud Wood is:

how numerology assigns numbers to names

Bud Wood is a 663. His 6 part and his other 6 part add up to a total character number of 3. There are other ways to get a total character number of 3, such as 213, 843, etc.

The various numerology books I looked at many years ago when I became interested in numerology were way too wordy, trying to give detailed interpretations of the numbers. This is wrong. Here is roughly what the numbers mean. Custom interpretations based on these generalizations suggest themselves based on meeting the person, or reading about them if they are well-known:

  • 1: rash, impulsive, inventive, singular, pioneering, original
  • 2: emotional, sensitive, dithery, two-faced, dualistic
  • 3: communication, expression, truthfulness
  • 4: orderly, organized, logical
  • 5: change, flow, motion, magic
  • 6: social, spiritual, appreciative, grateful, sexual, group-oriented
  • 7: studious, private, thoughtful
  • 8: expansive, accumulative, success- or money-oriented
  • 9: cooperative, synthesis

Example: I am a 371. When I did the numerology of famous people, I could only find one that shared this exact pattern: Tammy Wynette. She was a hard-working, intelligent and creative person. Her early life was difficult and so was the rest of her short life. She had problems with prescription drugs and was easily taken in by other people pretending to help her. She was a good mother and a loving person.

Other people I have known who were 371:

  • a man who lived in a trailer, rode a motorcycle, never took off his motorcycle helmet, tied blue plastic bags to his arms and legs, and ran for president every four years
  • a woman who was a computer systems analyst, liked dogs better than people, and obsessively believed she was allergic to most foods
  • a plumber who never washed his hands
  • a gay ragtime piano player who died young
  • Underlying energy configuration patterns, and their variable ways of expressing themselves, can be seen when studying groups of people in this way.

    The alphabet conversion chart above is for people whose names are in the English language. I'm not sure that numerology done this way can be easily adapted to every foreign alphabet. For example, the Tagalog alphabet lacks letters which are used in names, since Filipinos love to use foreign names. If unsure whether to consider a letter to be a vowel or a consonant, try both and use the one that fits.

    Why does numerology work? The letters in your name do not cause you to be a certain way. When you are born, your name and your world and your personality and your star positions, etc., are all created at the same time from the same basic configurations of energy. Your reflections reflect each other. Like a hologram, our parts reflect our whole.


    Mostly unrelatedly, but due to my fiddling with numbers too much...

    I discovered some interesting patterns using fields of numbers generated from strings of numbers adding up to a single number which is the apex of a triangle. Then if the left leg of the triangle is used to generate a new string of numbers, a new triangle is made. If you use the left leg of these triangles nine times, you get back to the original string of numbers. This is because we're using the base ten system, and ignoring zero, so there are nine digits. If you were using four digits, then after four triangles, the original string of numbers would repeat.

    A base four system would go like this: 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3, 1 + 3 = 4, 1 + 4 = 1, 2 + 4 = 2, etc. In this system, the 4 acts like our 9 in the 10-base system.

    I haven't found anyone else talking about this number pattern. It's pretty cool. If you repeat the string of numbers, it generates two identical triangles side-by-side, and the blank space between the two triangles can be filled in too.

    An odd characteristic of these number fields is that, if you ever see a pair like 22 or 88, it unfolds into a mirrored string like this: 112343211. It's easy to figure out why, but it's still pretty cool.

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Australian philosopher David Stove pointed out different pseudoscientific beliefs, for example numerology and astrology, may be pathological in different ways. When critiquing such pseudoscientific beliefs, philosophers and scientists should take into account that the fallacies that give rise to the "particular awfulness" of one pseudoscientific belief may not be applicable to another.
